International Tariff rate and tax number

International Tariff rate and tax number


  • You will be charged when the ordered products arrive in your country.
  • Please be prepared before your item arrives.
  • Please note that customs duties are the responsibility of the customer.



Name of Products Singapore Indonesia Thailand
瑞 Water of Water 06:01 for health & recovery  2201.90.90
瑞 Water of Water 19:03 for wine & food  2201.90.90
瑞 Water of Water 23:59 to relax & sleep  2201.90.90


Name of Products Malaysia Vietnam Cambodia
瑞 Water of Water 06:01 for health & recovery  2201.90.90.00
瑞 Water of Water 19:03 for wine & food  2201.90.90.00
瑞 Water of Water 23:59 to relax & sleep  2201.90.90.00


Name of Products Philippines Brunei Myanmar
瑞 Water of Water 06:01 for health & recovery  2201.90.90
No Data
瑞 Water of Water 19:03 for wine & food  2201.90.90
No Data
瑞 Water of Water 23:59 to relax & sleep  2201.90.90
No Data


Name of Products Laos
瑞 Water of Water 06:01 for health & recovery 2201.90.90.00
瑞 Water of Water 19:03 for wine & food 2201.90.90.00
瑞 Water of Water 23:59 to relax & sleep 2201.90.90.00